Japanese Iron Tsuba

Archive for the ‘japanese’ Category

Japanese Tsuba Higo, ito-maki1iron katana antique Edo period —

Samurai #Swordguard #Handguard #katana #Edoperiod #oneandonly #Wakizashi #japaneseswordguardmountings #tousougu #. Mei(signature): Mumei(Unsigned). Product name: Japanese Tsuba “Higo, ito-maki”iron katana antique Edo period??????????????????? SIZE(about) 81.0×. (3.19×2.97×0.18in) 154.2g(5.44oz). Higo Tsuba is in very good condition. Traditional Japanese designs are a mixture of metaphors and simplifications, and it is said that people wished for longevity and prosperity by […]

Japanese sword fittings sword tsuba lion design iron tsuba —

Pictures have a little color difference due to light and camera. Please give your consent. We are not experts, and we have not requested an appraisal. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please check the image, size, etc. We may not be able to tell you exactly the state and size of the product. Please […]