Japanese Iron Tsuba

Posts Tagged ‘katana’

Tsuba Japanese antique sword Yoshitsugu Full Moon Samurai Katana Bushi Japan —

Masterpiece Signed “Yoshitsugu” Tsuba – Full Moon & Raging Waves in High-Relief Carving – Exceptional Iron Craftsmanship. This remarkable Edo-period tsuba, signed “Yoshitsugu” , showcases a magnificent high-relief carving (takabori) of a full moon illuminating turbulent waves. The deep, lustrous iron surface combined with the strikingly detailed craftsmanship makes this an outstanding and highly collectible […]

Japanese Antique Rare Chrysanthemum OpenWork Tsuba Sword katana Guard from Japan —

Thank you for visiting our page. Japanese Antique Rare Chrysanthemum OpenWork Tsuba Sword katana Guard from Japan. Condition: Antique USED. Shows signs of age including dirt, scratches and rust. ? Fine Quality Item New-162: Iron Tsuba from Owari Province, Diamond-Shaped Chrysanthemum Design, Excellent Ring?? This is an antique period tsuba (sword guard) listing. Includes tsuba […]

Japanese Floral Openwork Antique Tsuba Edo Heianjo Inlay Katana SwordGuard Japan —

Thank you for visiting our page!! Japanese Floral Openwork Antique Tsuba Edo Heianjo Inlay Katana SwordGuard Japan. Condition: Anitque USED. Shows signs of age including dirt, scratches. Product DetailsThere is a tsuba box. Iron Tsuba with Heianjo Inlay, Floral Openwork Design, with Paulownia Box, Edo Period/Tsuba. 8.19cm × 8.03cm. Item Description Period: Edo era Material: […]