Japanese Iron Tsuba

Posts Tagged ‘sukashi’

19060 NBTHK Hozon Japanese Antique Sword Ko-Shoami Kiku Sukashi TSUBA —

Japanese Antique Samurai Sword Ko-Shoami Kiku Sukashi Tsuchime-ji Iron Tsuba with NBTHK Hozon Certificate. Kiku (chrysanthemum) sukashi design with tsuchime-ji (hammered surface). As the shapes of hitsuana are different, this tsuba was made in very old days. With NBTHK hozon certificate. Includes a padded storage box. 7.7 x 7.8cm. Desirable tsuba for your collection! Check […]

Japanese Iron Sukashi Tsuba —

JAPANESE IRON SUKASHI TSUBA. Late MUROMACHI/Early EDO Period. This is a Saotame school iron sukashi tsuba. We would guess this to be from the Late Muromachi to Early Edo period. The theme is the classic Kiku sukashi design that is often associated with this school. Nice patina and good condition. Nice feel in the hand. […]