Japanese Iron Tsuba

Posts Tagged ‘sword’

Tsuba Saotome Chrysanthemum flower openwork Japanese Antique Sword Fitting Iron —

Tsuba Saotome Chrysanthemum flower openwork Iron. Size: 8.81×8.42×0.2cm (3.47×3.31×0.2in). Weight: 100g (3.53oz). This tsuba is from the Saotome school, which descends from armor makers dating back to the Momoyama period. This is a tsuba from the Saotome school, featuring a finely pierced chrysanthemum design, one of the school’s signature motifs. This piece was crafted during […]

(Rera) Japanese Sword Antique Shuriken Tsuba Discarded Fan Made of Iron —

And we will give you a 8%off discount! Unusual appearance of the shuriken-shaped flange. The fan has a congratulatory meaning of “prosperity” or “success” because of its endless spreading shape, and is considered a good-luck charm. The broken fan is a pattern with a Japanese aesthetic meaning of “fight through even if the military fan […]